7 ways to work smarter, not harder

1. Keep your to-do list short

Try to focus on three to five important and challenging tasks each day. Consider making these your most important tasks that can make you feel highly productive when you complete them. Focus on these tasks one at a time before moving on to less important tasks to better prioritize your work.

2. Measure your results, not your time

Keep an ongoing list of everything you accomplish during the day. This can help you feel motivated and accomplished. This list makes it easy to celebrate your accomplishments and better anticipate how long similar tasks may take in the future.

3. Enhance your communication skills

Make strengthening your communication and collaboration skills a priority. You can start by working on your active listening skills and staying on topic when you’re communicating with someone. For example, when you’re writing an email to a coworker, try to keep the email short with a straightforward message.

4. Work in intervals

Consider taking more breaks and dividing your day into 90-minute or two-hour segments to help maximize your brain’s ability to focus and improve your overall productivity. You can also adhere to your break schedule and remain focused on your work during your 90-minute work periods. It’s often a good idea to close your email and place your phone on silent at these times.

5. Focus on one task at a time

Switching from one task to another without completing the first can be inefficient because your brain may need time to change its focus. You can avoid this by focusing all of your attention on one task until it’s complete or you reach a natural stopping point in it. You also may be able to schedule your regular breaks around your tasks to help your brain refresh before starting the next one.

6. Set short deadlines

Setting deadlines for your work can help you focus, and consider planning to complete tasks in shorter periods. This can increase your efficiency while working on your tasks, which can allow you to complete them in less time than you otherwise may have. This can leave you with more time during your day to focus on other tasks or allow you to clean your office space before leaving for the day.

7. Practice stress management techniques

Consider practicing stress management techniques, such as reading, meditating, listening to music or practicing yoga. These strategies can decrease the stress that can impact your physical, emotional and mental health. Doing these regularly can help you focus better and improve your workplace performance. 

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